mordad khezerlou

Mordad Khezerlou

In the field of websites, I do things like consulting, teaching, designing and programming, and in this profession, I am fast, stubborn, organized and creative, and this is my motto.

About Me

My name is Mordad Khezerloo. I'm Full-Stack developer who does most of my work as a freelancer. I have worked with many successful teams and companies in the world. I was born on July 24, 2002, I live in Khoy,Iran. I started coding for the first time in 2009 and since then I have been interested in the world of programming, and since 2017, I entered this field professionally. Now after all these years, I am working in the field of design and programming and of course teaching my own knowledge.

code folder

About the security of my codes

I am a white hat hacker, who also has the ability to improve the security of websites.

Contact me

inside my brain

My Specialties

HTML 5 98%
CSS 3 98%
Bootstrap 3/4/5 95%
Tailwind 95%
JavaScript 98%
JQuery 95%
Reactjs 95%
Nextjs 95%
MySQL 95%
PHP 98%
Laravel 95%
SEO (Off-Page) 95%
SEO (On-Page) 95%
SEO (Technical) 98%
WordPress 80%
Web Design 98%
User experience (UX) 90%
PhotoShop 70%

Contact Me

To contact me, send me the text of your message from the form below. I will try to answer you as soon as possible.

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