Mordad Khezerlou
In the field of websites, I do things like consulting, teaching, designing and programming, and in this profession, I am fast, stubborn, organized and creative, and this is my motto.
About Me
My name is Mordad Khezerloo. I'm Full-Stack developer who does most of my work as a freelancer. I have worked with many successful teams and companies in the world. I was born on July 24, 2002, I live in Khoy,Iran. I started coding for the first time in 2009 and since then I have been interested in the world of programming, and since 2017, I entered this field professionally. Now after all these years, I am working in the field of design and programming and of course teaching my own knowledge.

About the security of my codes
I am a white hat hacker, who also has the ability to improve the security of websites.
My Specialties
Contact Me
To contact me, send me the text of your message from the form below. I will try to answer you as soon as possible.
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